If you want to keep your child safe, then staying away from chemicals is extremely important. The same can be said about common items like plastic bottles. They contain bisphenol A, also known as BPA, and it’s one of those chemicals that can be very bad for kids regardless of their age. But is this very problematic for kids, or we shouldn’t be worried that much about it?
If you want to keep your child safe, then staying away from chemicals is extremely important. The same can be said about common items like plastic bottles. They contain bisphenol A, also known as BPA, and it’s one of those chemicals that can be very bad for kids regardless of their age. But is this very problematic for kids, or we shouldn’t be worried that much about it? Let’s find out!
Things to know about BPA
Bisphenol A is a chemical that’s very common for hardening plastics, and it’s been used in the industry for more than 40 years. What a lot of people don’t realize is how common it really is. You can find BPA in water bottles, CDs, medical devices, dental sealants, canned food lining and so on. In fact, around 90% of all people have some form of BPA in their bodies. You can get BPA from food, but you can also get it from water, dust and air.
How do kids get in contact with BPA?
That depends on the situation, but for the most part you could find it in baby formula cans, sippy cups, baby bottles and others. However, there was a lot of controversy regarding the side effects brought by BPA in the case of kids. That’s why the main baby bottle manufacturers on the market stopped using BPA, and the same thing happens for can manufacturers. Toys also don’t have BPA in general. Most pacifier manufacturers stopped using it too.
Is BPA bad for kids?
BPA is known for disrupting the hormone levels in the case of kids, but also babies and fetuses. It’s also said that it can lead to heart problems, obesity, cancer, brain issues and many others. In some cases it can also lead to behavioral problems too.
The risks are particularly bad for kids, because their bodies don’t have a very powerful immune system. That means the damage can be severe in their situation, which is why you want to handle this with as much carefulness as possible. The last thing you want is to deal with any possible issues. It’s harder for a child’s body to eliminate toxins and chemicals from their system. That makes BPA even more dangerous for a child when compared to an adult. Thankfully, more and more manufacturers stopped using BPA in their products for kids. Yet it’s still something you want to monitor as much as possible.
The thing to note right now is that the government is funding new research regarding the BPA risks. For the time being, the FDA doesn’t have any restrictions regarding the BPA use. But there was a lot of controversy in the past decade, which is why most manufacturers stopped using it. Current research suggests that BPA can be very dangerous for kids, so it’s imperative to keep it away from children. Make sure that you study those products you buy for your child, it will be easy to see the ingredients and that will help you keep your child away from any chemicals like BPA in the long run!